
Indian Mysore Nuggets AAA

India 🇮🇳 is often associated with quality robusta coffee. However, this Indian Mysore Nuggets Arabica Coffee is something else. It is grown in Karnataka which accounts for about 80% of Indian coffee production. Karnataka means ‘elevated land’. Its capital City is Bangalore and it contains 30 districts, it has its own High Court and a population of 61 million (2011). The official language of Karnataka is Kannada and the state has a literacy rate of 75.6%. The Mysore Nuggets are likened to ‘nuggets of
gold’ due to their large size and high quality.

Indian coffee production has a special place in the coffee world as it was where saint Bababudan planted his famous smuggled seven seeds in the Buba Budan Giri Hills. According to the article "Origins of Coffee", in 1670 ad the saint Bababudan on his pilgrimage to Mecca traveled through the seaport of Mocha, Yemen where he discovered coffee. The Yemenis protected coffee and forbade it’s export, so in order to introduce its taste to India, he wrapped seven coffee beans around his belly and got them out of Arabia. On his return home, he planted the beans in the hills of Chikkamagaluru, which are now named Baba Budan Hills in his honor. The Arabica coffees we buy consists of three cultivars, these being Kent, Cauvery and S-795. Kent is a naturally propagated Arabica first discovered on the Doddenguda Estate in Chikmaglur and is named
after the British owner of the estate at the time. Kents cultivar is also found in Kenya and Jamaica. Sadly, the Kent cultivar is rather susceptible to leaf rust which can decimate a countries production. Many growers have replaced this coffee with other hardier cultivars.

Region: Karnataka
Growing Altitude: 1200m -1600 masl
Arabica Variety: Kent, S 795, Cauvery
Harvest Period: January-March
Milling Process: Fully washed, sun dried
Aroma: Malt, toffee, pleasant sweetness.
Flavour: Cocoa, soft apricot, malt, toffee, biscuit, hazelnut, touch mild spice. Lingering malt, toffee, praline, cocoa
Body: Full, coating, syrupy.
Acidity: Lively but balanced, Pleasing symmetry
Cupping Score: 85.5

#india #arabica #best #one #yet #different #malt #toffee #pleasant #sweet #sugar #minerals #gratitude

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