
Indonesia Queen Gayo Grade 1

Full Description

Coffee was planted in Sumatra by Dutch colonialists in the late 1600s under the guidance of the Dutch East India Trading Company – or Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC). Between 1602 and 1796 the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in the Asia trade on 4,785 ships, and netted for their efforts more than 2.5 million tonnes of Asian goods.

With Europe’s ever increasing thirst for coffee at that time, this commodity played an important role in the trade of Indonesia, as indeed it does today. Following early success in Java, coffee was then introduced to Sumatra, initially to the northern region of Aceh around Lake Tawar. Today coffee is still widely produced in these northern regions of Aceh (Takengon, Bener Mariah) as well as in the Lake Toba region (Lintong Nihuta, Dairi-Sidikalang, Siborongborong, Dolok Sanggul, and Seribu Dolok) to the southwest of Medan. Aceh has seen much civil unrest throughout its history but most recently due to guerrilla activity organized under the Free Aceh Movement; as a result many farms were abandoned as farmers migrated to escape the unrest. Incredibly, the devastation of the 2004 Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami did provide a silver lining, as it focused international attention on Banda Aceh. Subsequent aid spotlighted the region and served to bring relative peace to Aceh for a time; now farms are being revitalized via new planting and pruning and hope is returning.

The arabica varietals planted in Indonesia were initially typica and bourbon. Typica is still the most common varietal found in Sumatra although there are also a few others that have been planted over the years, including Linie-S, caturra, catimor and hybrids of Rue Rue 11. The first Linie-S plantings came about when the coffee research institute in Java began looking for strains that were both disease-resistant and consistent in production. In an attempt to alleviate the swing in production from crop-to-crop, Linie-S was planted, a variety prized for its heartiness and minimal dieback; Robusta is also widely grown across the island. The average farm size in Sumatra is small – just one to five hectares across the country – and different varietals can often be found growing together. Over the last 50 to 100 years this has led to hybridization; natural crossbreeding has produced a variety known locally as Berg en Daal.

Sumatran coffees are mainly produced by a unique semi-washed process which is sometimes described as “wet-hulled” and is known locally as Giling Basah. In this process the coffee is picked, machine pulped (usually on the individual small holding) and then partly sun dried. The parchment is then removed revealing a whitish coloured, swollen green bean. The drying is then completed on the patio where the seed quickly turns to a dark green colour unique to Sumatra. This method brings about more body and often more of the character that makes Indonesians so unique and recognizable, with flavours ranging from deep chocolate to tangerine

In Sumatra, Ketaira is a women-owned and women-managed coffee cooperative on the Aceh province. Ketaira has 567 farmer members from seven villages in the Bener Meriah districts.

group has 18 women in leadership roles — a chairwoman and business manager, a secretary and collector, a treasurer, a chair supervisor, two member supervisors, four collectors and eight delegates.

Café Femenino

Ketaira is also part of Café Femenino, a supply chain/framework with the radical idea of giving women farmers credit for their crucial roles in the coffee industry. Traditionally, Café Femenino operates as a women-only program inside of mixed-gender cooperatives; Ketaira is an exception, in that the co-op is entirely comprised of women.

The Café Femenino Foundation, a nonprofit established alongside the Café Femenino program in 2004, provides grants to the program's farmers to help them enhance their lives and the lives of their families and communities. Ketaira has used grant money from the Foundation to provide leadership and financial training courses to its members, as well as to build a community center above their wet mill. The center functions as a safe space where the women can gather, learn new skills and organize.

Cupping notes: Milk chocolate, caramel, berries, nuts; balanced and creamy.

Images: Café Femenino. 


Aceh Indonesia 

Growing Altitude

1,200–1,500 masl

Arabica Variety

Bourbon, Tim Tim, Catimor

Milling Process

Wet hulled (giling basah)

Tasting Notes 

Milk Chocolate, Caramel, Berries, Nuts. Balanced and Creamy
